
Showing posts from October, 2013
                 UNSAFE ABORTION A MAJOR CAUSE OF MATERNAL DEATH IN GHANA. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy after conception. It allows women to put an end to their pregnancies, but involves killing the undeveloped embryo or fetus. More than one in 10 pregnancies –related deaths in Ghana is the result of unsafe abortions. 13% of Ghanaian women who have had an abortion experience complications resulting from unsafe procedures and fewer, than half of them received the needed follow –up care. These statistics are more remarkable because Ghana is one of the few African countries where abortion is legal under fairly broad grounds. In abortion performed by a qualified professional under proper conditions is an extremely safe procedure. Abortion in Ghana. A report release by the New York base Guttmacher Institute brings together data from various studies including the 2007 Ghana matern...


 Many believe love is a sensation that magically generates when Mr or Mrs right appears. Love comes with happiness and sadness which we all know but does it really end up with violence? The definition of true love comes along with trust, respect, understanding,communication and commitment.   In marriages, love is a two way affair in which the man compromises and the woman being submissive.  The definition of love in our society today has turn into hatred and violence.                                                                 Others also believe that violence is an extreme use of force against a person both physically and emotionally with the aim of killing, damaging or hurting someone.  When there is lack of respect, trust, commitment, and understanding in a relationship, it turns to hatred and je...