
Showing posts from October, 2015


                                   THE SEVEN Ps OF MARRIAGE PREPARATION The goal of most single ladies is to be married. However, that does not mean you should wait until you are engaged to start preparing to be a wife. Once God prepares us to receive blessings then there is the need to prepare ourselves for the blessings of our husband. God has someone just for you and he is preparing you to be part of your husband’s destiny. With that being the case, ladies we need to get ready.   Here are seven steps I am using to prepare for my husband. Use it to begin your Christian marriage preparation or let it inspire you to develop your own plan. STEP 1: PRAYER Many singe ladies pray to be married and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But this first P is not about yourself but rather praying for the man who will one day be your husband. God strengthens your marriage once you begin to pray for the husband. His spiritual walk, emotions, health, his role


One smile can start a friendship.  One word can end a fight.  One look can save a relationship. One person can change your life. Beware of that one thing.