Have you ever thought of why the sale of toffees has decreased over time? What do you see when you go to the provision stores and the market to buy your stuffs. This were the questions in mind while walking on the streets of Accra. Do you also know about the locally manufactured toffee in Ghana? In front of every provision shop in Accra there is the sale of a local toffee which most people find pleasure in eating.
Baked clay commonly known as Ayilo in Ga and Shele in Twi is a local toffee craved from betonites and prepared in different part of the country which comes in different shapes and smell. Ayilo in Ghana is baked clay, mostly eaten by pregnant mothers; many women who aren’t pregnant also consume it making it a big business!
According to research, eating clay is a global practice that has existed among humans since their evolution from primitive, and one that continues today among traditional ethnic groups as well as numerous animal species. The practice of eating clay has been studied in present and traditional cultures from areas across continents, including present-day Arizona and California, Central and South America, Sweden and Sardinia, sub-Saharan Africa, Indonesia, and Australia.
A new picture of the clay eater gradually emerges as the various academic disciplines examine cultures worldwide to understand the historic benefits and the effects of eating clay, but it seems the persistent attitude of eating non nutritional substances like chalk, sand, and Shele is over weighing the effects rather than the benefit.. One of the most common human populations to engage in the deliberate consuming of earth-based substances is that of pregnant women. According to some, the body’s unique needs during pregnancy have provided the greatest clue to clay eating’s adaptive function. They get addicted to the extent that even after pregnancy they still consume ayilo.
There have been times when some type of clay is known to be very medicinal (into the 20th century). Most of these famous clays contain kaolin. Kaolin is very useful in combating diarrhea nutritional substances.
In an interview with an addicted pregnant woman who has craved in eating baked clay for five years, pin pointed some effects.
1. Eating Ayilo can interfere with eating healthy food, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies and deny the fetus.
2. Eating objects that cannot be digested, such as stones, can cause constipation or blockages in the digestive tract, including the intestines and bowels.
3. Bacteria or parasites from dirt or other objects can cause serious infections. Some infections can damage the kidneys or liver.
Also to another who is not pregnant but finds pleasure in eating baked clay said, ‘those addicted to earth clay consumes because of the smell and after some weeks get so addicted to it’. In-depth ayilo or shele kills softly without releasing it she added.
According to a health expert, many young people who engage in this act is a result of a natural crave for eating non nutritional substance. He stated that eating baked clay gradually forms a hill in the womb of a woman preventing pregnancy to take place. He also added that, for young ladies, it reduces their blood cell and as a result pave way for diseases to patrol the body.
He advises that baked clay kills softly when addicted to it and as such should always consult a medical practitioner when addicted, since it can cause psychological and physical damage to the body.


  1. How can one stop eating it after being addicted

  2. How can one stop eating it after being addicted

  3. How does one come off eating it?

  4. With the grammatical errors and the lack of hard core medical proof and medical terminology I am sceptical about this article. I'm particularly interested as to how clay "forms a hill in the womb". Eating non food substances is as a result of a condition called Pica. People who have this condition eat things like clay, chalk, paper, sand. It is as a result usually of Iron deficiency. If you find yourself craving or eating these things see your local doctor. All you may need to stop is an iron supplement

    1. Thanks , that's very accurate, how does eaten clay create a hill or should I say an apartment in your womb, it's not factual

  5. Well my aunty had surgery as a result of the accumulation of the clay in her tummy
    Infact her friend she enjoys with also had surgery with the same complications
    Makes you anemic at a point and breaks down your muscles.
    Well guess moderation was not considered their case.

  6. How can stop eating baked white clay?

  7. I became a victim of it,I was told to stop eating but because they didn't show me any medical proofs I ignored them,but as time passed I started feeling pains in my urine and it became more unbearable for me so they have to rush me the hospital,my parents and other people where thinking that I have been sexually transmitted but I knew that I'm not dating anyone so is something else but it didn't come to my notice that it was ayilo, so as time passes I observed whenever I eat ayilo I have that pain again and again which proves that I was not havin any sexual transmitted disease but it the course of I plead with anyone addicted to it to avoid it as much as possible ,u can try drinking energy drinks whenever you feel like eating one.

  8. I like ayilo and eat some daily , its been over a year now . My question is can you continue to eat ayilo but eat it moderation daily . I personally take it upon myself and eat healthy, I make sure I deworm every three months .
    When I eat the ayilo it makes me popo alot and I feel comfortable in my stomach ,

    Can I continue to eat it in moderation like 5 to 7 pebbles a day and make sure I continue with my healthy practice. Will it help . I really love to it cos of the effect it has on my bowels . Am 45years old with 3 children and doesn't intend to have any more children.

    Can you advice pls .

    1. I think you eating in moderation will still make you eat much due to the cravings. Just try drinking some iron pills to stop the cravings


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