We all have our own perception when it comes to branding. My perception about branding is totally different from yours. I always thought I knew my brand until Bernard Kelvin Clive asked the whole congregation what our brand was. In an attempt to answer his question, I told him brand is something that makes you unique from others. “Yes you are right”, he said. But guess what, the follow up question that came to me was What is your Brand? Seriously I don’t know my brand but I knew the definition. After his message, I was able to identify my brand as a person.
According to Bernard Kelvin Clive, “A personal (Brand) is more than just a creative name, cute logo or complimentary card; it’s a promise of value, it’s a distinctive voice, it’s a core message, its passion driven by purpose, it’s a positive impact that creates an impression”

There were four steps I pinpointed during his message which I want to share with you because you are special. I am applying them and its working, I pray it does for you too.

  • Cultivate your gift and talent: Every individual has its own talent which needs to be harnessed. Wherever you find yourself, you have to reveal that special talent hidden to work for you. From the person selling on the street to the one in the office with the highest position, all have the talent to horn their craft to become excellent at what they do and work in the area of their strength.
  • Define your scope: What is your scope as a person? Well this is the time to define your scope of interest based on your strengths and abilities in order to develop it. You are the CEO of yourself, meaning you have to define your scope that will best sell your personality. Polish your uncovered talent, and build your capacity in one area.
  • Believe in yourself: Believing in your personality type, your gift, talent and ability is the best medicine to build your brand. God created human in a special way that each and every one is unique in their own ways. So believe that you have something of value to offer to your family, society, nation and the world as a whole.
  • Eliminate clutter: Discard anything that will distract you from clearly standing out. The spirit of fear and impossibility should not be allowed in your home. Do not try to do so many things at the same time.  Focus on one goal, achieve it before moving to the next one.
To attract attractive people, you need to be attractive. Don’t create a false identity because you want people to see you as such but build a brand that will open doors for your generation to enjoy. And for the men, until you start building your brand, don’t search for a bride. Build a good personal brand and stay positive always.


  1. This is insightful. I need to practice them all. Thank you tina

  2. On point dear. Interesting read!

  3. Thats my girl am soo proud of u, u going places trust me. good piece tho


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