Her smiles lights the room and fills the darkest dwellings with a beautiful glow that radiates through her cheeks tells me there was good news to be heard. ‘The great day is tomorrow, finally we are graduating’ was what she said as she kept smiling.

Clara is my best friend, a sister from another mother. We’ve been friends since childhood, attended the same school from primary to university and was about to graduate together.

We went for graduation shopping with my Dennis, the owner of my heart and were on our way home to prepare towards the great day. Clara alighted in front of her house still smiling.

Dennis drove the car wishing Clara a good night. ‘Is Clara’s smiles because of the graduation or something else’ I wondered. I have known her for years and her smile today was so weird. ‘What are you thinking about my love?’ Dennis asked. You of course, I lied.

I went home still thinking of her smiles. Very exhausted, I went straight to the bathhouse to shower and then straight to bed.

Early the next day, all preparations were done for my graduation and the after party. At the graduation, Clara was the overall best student in accounting, obtaining a first degree while I also obtain the same with the overall best student in human resource.

Everything was so simple and well planned. After the graduation, Clara’s parent and mine went home with our parcels while we went for the after party at +233 Jazz bar, Kanda.

At the party, I noticed something which suddenly attracted my attention to get closer to where the high life was being played. Interestingly Dennis was chatting with Clara happily as they danced at the same time.

Dennis what are you doing here? Because I invited you and you refused, not ready to listen to him, I took my bag, board a taxi, home so confused with dozens of questions running through my mind.

Just when I entered my room, I heard a knock at my door, a cry pleading to listen to him. Mum heard his voice and opened Dennis to explain things to her and apologize on his behalf.

As in what they discussed, I didn’t hear because I slept with my eyes swollen and my pillow filled with tears.

The brightness of the sky and the sun rays shinned in my room as mum opened my window for me to see the freshness of the day and also to wake me up. I stretched my body and opened my eyes to see the intruder in my room; ohh mum is you, good morning dear she greeted. Morning, I responded, just as I ended, heard a knock on my door, come in, my mum said, there is Clara and Dennis standing in front of my door.

     Wendy we are sorry, I was sent by Clara’s guy to give something to her, is not what you think. With so many explanations, I decided to forgive them and move on with our friendship. Dennis suggested we go out to celebrate our love and friendship with Clara and the guy.

 A week on a company wrote an appointment letter to me to start work the following day. So I started work in a reputable company as their human resource manager.

The beginning of this work made me so busy that I hardly get time for myself and my guy, which ended up in a quarrel. We settled everything and planned to celebrate our third anniversary in our relationship, which will fall on a Friday and also invite a few close friends including Clara.

 I love to be at the beach on special occasions so decided to celebrate this occassion at the Labadi beach Resort. On that special Friday, I worked very fast at work and postponed some meetings in order to close early to meet my sweetheart.

I ran as fast as I could to get a taxi because I was running late. I couldn’t wait to see the shock on Dennis’ face when he sees me .We’ve been arguing a lot lately about not making time for each other often. Whenever he’s free I’m at work and when I’m free he’s busy.

It was frustrating but we love each other and were trying to make it work. I knew he has missed me as much as I missed him which is why I couldn’t wait to get there and be in his arms.

I spotted his car when I reached the car park just beside the beach. So I knew he was already there. I quickly took my dress and shoes off revealing my sexy bikini with the colour blue (Dennis’ favourite colour). I threw my dress and shoes in my bag fluffed my waist length , chocolate hair added mascara to the lashes, framing my hazel ages, freshened my lip gloss , putting an extra dab to my full lower lip and headed towards the group.

I waved hello to a few people and searched for Dennis in the group. I spotted his best friend and now one of my closest friends, Julius sitting besides the girlfriend and thought it odd that Dennis wasn’t with him. Those two were like twins and usually if Dennis wasn’t with me, he was with Julius. Julius spotted me and I waved back and joined them.”Hey Julius where is Dennis?”I asked as I kissed his cheek. He suddenly looked uncomfortable and said “Hi Wendy ah……. He was just here a second ago.”No he wasn’t   babe; he walked with Clara towards the hunt about 20 minutes ago”. This was Julius girlfriend of two weeks who I couldn’t stand always stirring up trouble which is why I ignored her and pitched Julius telling him I would see him later as I headed off to find them.

“Wendy way……t!!!!”  Julius shouted but I was already half way there so excited to see my darling. I was thinking what a good friend Clara was to keep my guy company and away from all the slutty girls that were after him. When I wasn’t around, that is why I loved her like my own sister. 

As I reached the rocks near the hunt I heard moaning coming from behind which was normal. It was Friday night remember and as such meant for lovers. Not wanting to disturb the couples intimate moment, I tip toe in the opposite direction when a familiar males moan followed closely by an “oh Dennis shocked me where I stood I was hoping it was just a crazy coincident. The moaning and panting increased till they reached the climax. I couldn’t move not to even think of breathing. There were some clothes with giggles and kisses. Then my heart began to crumble when I heard my best friend say “I love these moments but I wish we didn’t have to hide this followed by my guy Dennis saying “you know it would kill Wendy and I told you from the beginning this was just a fleet.

 I love her but the fighting was rough that I needed a release. So you are just using me? Clara asked?

Any reply Dennis was about to make was cut off when a noise behind me startled them. They came out of the hunt quickly fixing their clothes only to come face-to-face with me and our new intruder. Julius cold fingers grabbed my arm as 3 voices exclaimed Wendy! Dennis with fear , Clara with shame and Julius with remorse. It was then that I realized the three people I could count on no matter what had just let me down in the worst way, breaking my heart in the process.

Wendy how are you doing today? A voice asked. I opened my eyes to see a doctor standing beside me. What am I doing here? is all I could ask myself. Still can’t believe my own Clara, my own sister from another mother could betray me with my guy, a guy I have loved with my entire been and still loves.


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