This morning in a vehicle going to work, I witnessed a scene between a trotro driver and a taxi driver. What happened was, the taxi driver crossed the trotro driver with a speed which nearly ended in an accident. The trotro driver with anger alighted from his car and went directly to the taxi driver with a slap. All this while we were still in the trotro without the driver not even thinking about the passengers in the car.
The trotro driver could have forgiven the taxi driver, but because of anger and pride, all of us were affected because the two drivers were taken to the police station while we the passengers were left behind to look for a different vehicle to transport us to our various destination.
It is impossible that no offence will come your way as a person. And you can’t as well live without offending or being offended. But what do we do when we are offended?

The bible says in Romans 12:2 that, do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind so that you may prove what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. The renewal of our minds comes with behaviour, attitude, actions and identity.
We take offence because we are unsure of ourselves. We take offence because we don’t know who we are in Jesus.

1.      Offences will make you sick: The increase of heart attacks and blood pressure in our society today is as a result of offence. Many people get sick because of the mental state in which they upheld the offence. When you are offended, your heart bloats and takes up to 72 hrs before it gets normal and during this time one’s immunity comes down hence headaches, fatigue and other sicknesses are easily transferred to the body.

2.      Offences will make you lose what you’ve laboured for: Most people leave good hopes, families, marriages, jobs, opportunities and relationships because of offences. The anger in them made them destroy everything within a second. What will happen if you overlook and let it go. Moses got offended just 11 days to go into the Promised land by the Israelites unappreciative behaviour, he lost it all without going to the promise land.
3.      Offences will make you lose your loved ones: Enemies don’t offend, it is friends and love ones that do. So in as much as our loved ones offend us, if they are not forgiven, we lose that friendship, that marriage and relationship that we have worked so much for.

4.      Offences will make you lose your identity: You are respected in the society, family and among friends. You are known to be good to everyone. But because you couldn’t forgive the guy next door, you have lost it all.

5.      Offences makes you lose God: A lot of pastors we see today has been replaced by other ordained pastors because of offence. Saul was a great king for the Israelite, but he was replaced with David, all because of OFFENCE. If there is no forgiven spirit in you and you happen to be the best singer in church, my dear you can be replaced by a more powerful one from God.

The bible compares an angry man to a mad person, because if you are angry, you become mad and act without any caution which at the end affects a lot of things. In as much as we offend people, people also offend us, lets try as much as possible to forgive them and move on.


  1. Good piece Esinam, the dangers of offense backed by biblical examples. I've learned something. Keep it up.

  2. Interesting and nice piece..thanks dear for this piece..am touched and I have gotten my own share of it. God bless you


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