The month of February is always known to be a month of love. But what happens to the rest of the months, doesn’t we show love? Love is to be shown at all times.  As part of my personal commitment, I promised myself to read one book a month and the book for February is “YOUR GUIDE TO MARRIAGE’ by John Boakye. 

We all have different perception about what love is and what is not love. But before you accept the proposal, before you propose, before you help the needy, before you do good to your neighbour there is a feeling that ignite you to take that action. 

God's love for mankind is the kind of love we humans should live by. A Love without fear, Jealousy, Anger, Intolerance, Dishonesty, Selfishness, Inequality, Apathy, wickedness, lies, Adultery, Fornication and many others. Any attitude or action that is not contrary to God’s teachings or harm your neighbour or partner is not LOVE. 

In our daily lives, the God kind of love should be the greatest to build a long lasting relationships with friends, families and loved ones.  

This book has really been an eye opener and as today is celebrated as a day of love, relax and read this special gift as i share with you the 5 things love is before you say yes.

Love Is Kind and Patient
1corthians 13 defines what love really is. Love is kind and patient. It is not self-seeking and does not keep records of wrongs. It always protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres. It does not fail because as you give yourself completely to make your partner happy you become happier.  The deeper your love is, the greater your chances of happiness and success in your relationship.

Love Is a Verb
Love is a verb not a feeling, it is not what you get but what you do for your partner each day. When you love someone, it doesn’t depend on how you feel, but how you treat the person to put his/her happiness in everything. This makes you do good than evil.

Love is a Language
From one of my oldest post, I blogged on the love language by Gary Chapman and John Boakye also confirms it in his book, this indicates how important it is to know the love language of your partner. Words of affirmation, Quality time, acts of service, physical touch and gifts these when shown to your partner makes them feel valued, connected, attracted, affectionate and happy.

Love Is a Gift for Attachment
God is love and He made us in his image therefore we are made of love and so we can’t live without it. If you don’t love, you do not know God because love comes from God and everyone who is born of God is love. Matthew 5:43-44 talks about loving our enemies and praying for those who persecute us. We should love without condition because love covers all evil doings.

To Love Is To Die
You must be ready to die for your partner without considering how good or bad your partner is. To die is to give strength, help, support, comfort your partner especially in most difficult situations without expecting a reward. Helping the vulnerable in the society is dying for them, helping that child to cross the road is dying for the child. Accepting the guy's family and the lady's family is dying for each other.

Saying YES to that guy or lady is accepting everything both the good and bad and loving him/her completely without regret. Today is not meant for sexual engagement but rather an introspection  about the  Love of God in our lives and as to think about ways to spread that same love across to every individual.

Let us live a life of love and love all.  HAPPY VALENTINES DAY


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